Wednesday, October 29, 2014

TDKR: Wayne Legacy Metrics 96

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 949
Chapter One – Ten total: 26,804
Chapter Eleven – Twenty total: 30,397
Chapter Twenty-One - Thirty total: 38,399
Chapter Thirty-One total: 949
Total words for first draft: 96,549
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: I typed this many words with taking ten minute breaks during the mad sewing dash.
Fave line: "And this is when you turn me into Watson and tell me how wrong I am."
What Else I Accomplished Today: I got something together to wear for Halloween at the paying job. Only 45 minutes of sleep, and no chapter finished but don't I look pretty?

What I'm looking forward to: SLEEP!
What I'm not looking forward to: Ripping off the waistband to do it over.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

TDKR: Wayne Legacy Metrics 95

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 1023
Chapter One – Ten total: 26,804
Chapter Eleven – Twenty total: 30,397
Chapter Twenty-One total: 3566
Chapter Twenty-Two total: 3671
Chapter Twenty-Three total: 5175
Chapter Twenty-Four total: 2769
Chapter Twenty-Five total: 3905
Chapter Twenty-Six total: 3039
Chapter Twenty-Seven total: 3491
Chapter Twenty-Eight total: 4953
Chapter Twenty-Nine total: 4900
Chapter Thirty total: 2929
Total words for first draft: 95,600
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Finished Chapter Thirty. And I'll probably have it posted before the repair gets here.
Fave line: "And how did the Dark Knight jump clear of an exploding dragon?"
What Else I Accomplished Today: Car is getting new brakes and I'm still waiting for a repaired washing machine.
What I'm looking forward to: Victorian underwear all done by the weekend.
What I'm not looking forward to: Shopping for more trim.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

TDKR: Wayne Legacy Metrics 94

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 689
Chapter One – Ten total: 26,804
Chapter Eleven – Twenty total: 30,397
Chapter Twenty-One total: 3566
Chapter Twenty-Two total: 3671
Chapter Twenty-Three total: 5175
Chapter Twenty-Four total: 2769
Chapter Twenty-Five total: 3905
Chapter Twenty-Six total: 3039
Chapter Twenty-Seven total: 3491
Chapter Twenty-Eight total: 4953
Chapter Twenty-Nine total: 4900
Chapter Thirty total: 1906
Total words for first draft: 94,577
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Eked out some more words.
Fave line: "You have a fairy tale and you never told it to me!"
What Else I Accomplished Today: Finished the task that was eating up my writing time at the paying job and got Thursday off to deal with my washing machine repair man.
What I'm looking forward to: Victorian underwear all done by the weekend.
What I'm not looking forward to: Shopping for more trim.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

TDKR: Wayne Legacy Metrics 93

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 609
Chapter One – Ten total: 26,804
Chapter Eleven – Twenty total: 30,397
Chapter Twenty-One total: 3566
Chapter Twenty-Two total: 3671
Chapter Twenty-Three total: 5175
Chapter Twenty-Four total: 2769
Chapter Twenty-Five total: 3905
Chapter Twenty-Six total: 3039
Chapter Twenty-Seven total: 3491
Chapter Twenty-Eight total: 4953
Chapter Twenty-Nine total: 4900
Chapter Thirty total: 1217
Total words for first draft: 93,888
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Squeezed in typing. I never think about how much writing I do while at the paying job until I can't do it. :p
Fave line: "I need your help to put a stop to all this, not to enlarge the guest list."
What Else I Accomplished Today: Bustle pillow pieces all cut out.
What I'm looking forward to: Victorian underwear all done by the weekend.
What I'm not looking forward to: Shopping for more trim.

Monday, October 13, 2014

TDKR: Wayne Legacy Metrics 92

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 608
Chapter One – Ten total: 26,804
Chapter Eleven – Twenty total: 30,397
Chapter Twenty-One total: 3566
Chapter Twenty-Two total: 3671
Chapter Twenty-Three total: 5175
Chapter Twenty-Four total: 2769
Chapter Twenty-Five total: 3905
Chapter Twenty-Six total: 3039
Chapter Twenty-Seven total: 3491
Chapter Twenty-Eight total: 4953
Chapter Twenty-Nine total: 4900
Chapter Thirty total: 608
Total words for first draft: 93,279
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Started typing Chapter Thirty. Didn't get as much done as I would like thanks to a task at the paying job and sewing when I got home.
Fave line: "Selina took the keys with her."
What Else I Accomplished Today: I finished the corset Sunday night, so I laid out the pieces to cut for the bustle pillow and skirt while I watched Gotham.
What I'm looking forward to: Victorian underwear all done by the weekend.
What I'm not looking forward to: Shopping for more trim.