Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sick Work

I feel like crap, so I retreat to something that really doesn't require any thought on my part. I like it when the story is already written in my head.

Biker Mice From Mars: Evil Jack: For Worse

New words: 2920
Total words: 11850
What I hate about my writing: Actually, nothing today.
The Good: I can work on it while feeling like I'm going to die.
The Bad: I have no idea if it's good yet or if that's the medication talking.
Fave Vinnie line: "Blowing up bad guys, winning a bike race, that's what I'm dependable for."
Fave Charley line: "You weren't listening to reason, so I went with the cute factor."
Fave Modo line: Modo hasn't said a whole lot in this bit.
Fave Hannah line: "What about an Uncle-Modo-tall robot?"
Fave Throttle line: "We have years on the road, Charley. I can't give up on that until I know there's no hope."
What I'm looking forward to: Hannah twisting Throttle around her finger.
What I'm not looking forward to: A fight between the bros.

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