Monday, October 27, 2008

NaNo Prep 1

Biker Mice From Mars: Wars Are Won: Turbo

Progress Bar from Writertopia

I’m going to skip over the wishy-washy decision making. It was sad, even for me. The cons list for even participating in NaNo descended into a list of general fears and not even the entertaining ones. Then there was the what to write dilemma that almost made me come up with a fourth choice and find my D4 to roll.

Here I am KLCtheBookWorm, official NaNo participant.

Once I realized that everything cycling through my head was the Perfect Girl terrified of screwing up, I blew a raspberry at her and jumped in. I went with BMFM: Turbo because of the three I was considering, it best met the guidelines. I still have too much world-building and plot-building to do in Strix, and I already started the next Tin Man story. Yes, I know I would be the only who would actually care that nine chapters are written out in longhand, but I would care so there you have it.

BMFM: Turbo only has one scene written because I used it for an example in a writing tutorial, but the background is solid in my head. My only worry is it may be a shorter story than 50,000 words. If that actually does happen, I decided to type the Tin Man story until the end of November.

I do have a little bit of prep work to do before November 1st. I charted out my goals, and all the projects to finish before I say “yes, it’s done.” I decided labeling things like “Second draft” or “ version” works best as GTD projects. Then to fill out the official participation form, I need the comprehensive concept:

Turbo arrives in Chicago, and secrets Throttle has kept buried for most of his life now threaten Charley in the sequel to Biker Mice From Mars: Wars Are Won By Those Who Dare: Let Us Give Thanks.

I’d like to have the Master Scene Summary done before I start writing, but if it doesn’t happen, I’m confident I can write this story without one.

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