Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tin Man: Dragons and Ninjas 3

Trying not to be grumpy. I'm going to end up feeling like a jackass and judged anyway if I give into the grumpy. Still it sits uneasily. Remember 117 reviews, 116 from new readers in my first foray into a new fandom is nothing to sneer at--even if it did feel like it took them forever to start reviewing. The mod is going through a patch with her hubby (hey, I just followed the links not trying to be judgmental), never take it personally, shouldn't take it personally, I'm probably reading too much into it... where's Bookworm37's stuff? Two other authors have stories hosted at FanFiction.Net, so it's not culling the Pit (I am rather amused by that nickname) out of the searches for new stories.

*Sigh* I'm going to explain and still feel like a jackass.

Okay, I finally sent an email requesting a link for my story at the Tin Man Crossover Fanfiction Live Journal Community because I have written a crossover that I'm proud of. And it earned 117 reviews; not like I wanted a link up for a substandard story. I finally figured on there being not a whole lot of crossover love in this fandom and was really delighted to see a community dedicated to it. "Weed out the readers not willing to give crossovers a chance." And I've been waiting for a mention since October 2008. I got a lead on the who the mod was and sent the email, thinking maybe it slipped through her reading cracks. It happens.

Yeah, well, my link.

So I clearly misunderstood the parameters. It's not helping all crossovers gain exposure; just recommending the other universes like or familiar with.... she likes Labyrinth. .... Just following the links, and I found Bookworm37's A Different Life and Similar Yet Different are not listed.

Still giving the benefit of doubt, maybe she doesn't read because of all the dreck available there. Perfectly understandable... found two stories by two different authors hosted at

So that's how I ended up grumpy. My story is less plausible that the crossovers of Tin Man with Due South and Boomtown and Star Trek that only seems to exist because they shared actors? (Okay, that's not totally fair, I thought the Star Trek one bringing Hawk back was great.) And I'm also supposed to dump exposition from eight other stories into the first chapter the original character is introduced in despite all my writing training screaming for me not to jeopardize the story in such a way? Personally, I know next to nothing about Supernatural and Stargate SG1. Did that stop me from enjoying those crossovers with Tin Man? Grumpy sums it up.

Yet another example of no matter how tired I get having to fix the mistakes made at Alt. Biker Mice Site (which is the real reason why I haven't done the update in forever and a day), I don't stop anyone from posting whatever they want as long as the smut stays hidden a bit.


Anonymous said...


KLCtheBookWorm said...

Catyuy respond with an unprompted "hey it really is good" comment that cheered me up. I just hate running across exclusivity like that.