Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Random Tin Man thought

Yeah, this came to me in the shower last night and then trying to finish Faulkner paper and watch Castle at the same time got to me and I just now remembered it while trying to do math.

We all assume Cain's nightmare was what really happened to Adora (extra footage of it in the DVD extras aside). What did we see? One empty iron suit (not tin, people! It's based off the iron maidens) and one Adora Cain grave site lacking grass cover. Cain says "Jeb" when he realizes the suit is empty but let's chalk that one up to Cain machismo. Hell, he may have even said to Jeb "you're the man of the house if anything happens me" etc. What do Longcoats do to manly men who don't stop fighting? Lock them in a suit.

So later after Jeb has said Zero killed Adora, after seeing Jeb has his own suit with his camp (and that must have made packing in a hurry a bitch. I hope it came in handy with interrogation sessions.), Cain has a nightmare of finding a timeloop projection of Adora's death. Not even her real death, a projection of it! *Pause to snuggle issues!Cain*

Okay, so now that we've established that we interpret these two scenes through Cain's macho POV, here comes the question that popped into my head. What if Adora was the one in the suit?

I think this explains Jeb's attachment to iron suits even more. He was off doing resistance stuff, hears reports of Zero in the area of their new cabin, rushes home, opens the suit and Adora is dead. Or dies shortly after getting her out. *Pauses to snuggle issues!Jeb*



Anonymous said...

I think this is one of those instances when "canon" is a story that is stretched so thin you can twist it whatever way you want, and it makes total sense.

I do agree that it was strange that Cain dreamed of coming upon the projection (which was canonically turned off at his arrival), instead of arriving upon her murder (in his nightmare, that is).

Going on the assumption that he doesn't ever watch the projection, it could be assumed what we see him dreaming is just a dream - as in, not real, made up, what have you.

Making way for Adora to have spent time in the suit? Did I get that right? *ponders*

KLCtheBookWorm said...

Yeah, my idea is that while Cain does respect Adora's toughness, he doesn't think the Longcoats would consider her enough of a threat to go into the suit so it just doesn't occur to the poor man.

But I don't think anyone has used this idea yet.

KLCtheBookWorm said...

But dreaming of the project isn't that strange for me. He knew he was watching a projection for annuals.