Thursday, April 30, 2009

Kicking here because I have no one else to kick

Why the hell do I keep torching myself with Tin Man Meta Live Journal? I'd love to contribute, but I'm shut out because "we're only open to other LJ users." There was a great conversation on Tuesday on gen versus pairings and on readers keeping their mouths shut instead of reviewing when they have a problem.

Or even hell, a few bitching about their lack of reviews, a few whose on going stories I do like and would love to leave them happy reviews telling them so BUT THEY ONLY POST TO LIVEJOURNAL AND THEN LOCK ME OUT OF COMMENTING!


I have comments moderated here, but OpenID is turned on. All you LJ only people CAN COMMENT! Not that anybody bothered when I invited them to look at my Street Fighter fix-it story. *Hugs Bison and whisper how I'm going to kill Nash in his ear* Okay, I'm a little sore about that one. Godawful movie, but not one bloody comment? From the crowd of Neal fans who will comment on his press releases? Hell, my blogs show updates better in Bloglines than any of the LiveJournals I'm supposed to be tracking (don't know why they can't get that bug fixed and keep it fixed).

Okay, I'm going home now.


Anonymous said...

Okay, it ate my first post. I'm gonna do some poking around, see what I can do... a lot of authors probably aren't aware of the impact their "only registered users" commenting is having.

*hugs* I hope your toe doesn't hurt from all the kicking!

KLCtheBookWorm said...

Virtual kicking, all the release and none of the pain. ;)

Admittedly a cranky moment, I'm feeling better now that I've eaten. But at the same time, I really want to shake a lot of them. I understand the whining--hey, we all need to do it every now and then--but when you sneer at posting at or plain forget to update there AND lock out a segment of the fandom after LJ has given you a way to keep track of them and not open yourself to all the anonymous trolls out there, ARGH! How the hell do you expect readers to contact you? Email? Oh no, LiveJournal hides that too.

So PLEASE explain to me while you're moaning how your fic isn't loved as much as other lesser fics, how the hell am I or any other lurking non-LJ reader supposed to tell you anything? I will gladly use that method as long as the answer isn't "join LJ."

Hope you get a straight answer from the poking. Thanks.