Monday, October 04, 2010

Stellar Gift of Death Post 35

NPI Day 4: 516 words

Stellar Gift of Death

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 516
Chapter Eleven total: 771
Total words for the first draft: 41,728
What I hate about my writing: I wish I had the ability to draw so I could stop freaking out that my descriptions are changing every time I use one.
The Good: Xeryl finally made it into the scene, just in time for lunch to run out.
The Bad: Today has been a real sluggish day for some reason. Maybe because it's Monday.
Fave line: “If you don’t go up against the challenging bad guys, you’ll never have the advantage over the stupid ones.” He tugged his cap. “That sounded better in the brain matter.”
What I'm looking forward to: Piling on the angst along with the body count!
What I'm not looking forward to: Worrying that my leads are going to sound like petulant teenagers instead of full of pathos.

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