Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Tin Man & Medical Investigations: Alchemy Metrics Post 04

Tin Man & Medical Investigations: Alchemy

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 590
Total words for the first draft: 2991
What I hate: Catching-up.
The Good: Finished Part 4. Also made this a semi-three-way crossover by introducing Margo from my Evil Jack Biker Mice series as a childhood friend of DG’s.
The Bad: I had planned for each of the prompts to be around 500 words. This is the first one that is close.
Fave Margo line: “Dropped off the planet more like it. Nobody has heard from you in forever.” A machine beeped for Margo’s attention. She juggled something before coming back. “You weren’t abducted by smelly, fishy aliens, were you?”
Fave DG line: “Don’t suppose you dated somebody who works for the CDC?”
What I'm looking forward to: Figuring out what the disease is. I need a For Dummies book on infectious diseases.
What I'm not looking forward to: The point where the scenes I have in my head don’t fit with the prompts.

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