Monday, June 17, 2013

Forget the Sun Metrics 29

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 311
Chapter One total: 2111
Chapter Two total: 2525
Chapter Three total: 3807
Chapter Four total: 3581
Chapter Five total: 181
Total words for the first draft: 12,205
What I hate about my writing: Not writing, but I hate how I know procrastination is bad and screws me up and I do it anyway.
The Good: Words on a Monday! I have no idea how that happened.
The Bad: Weekend writing *sigh* one weekend I may actually shock myself by getting writing done. I know I should do it first thing, but it never works out that way. Though I did fix Chapter Four, which had developed a spacing hiccup thanks to how Word 2010 (at paying job) formats versus how Word 2003 (at home) formats. I swear if I keep getting irritated by this, I'll write the whole thing in Notepad. My more serious decision is to create all new chapters at home. So Chapter Five will be broke off from Chapter Four later.
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Finished Chapter Four. Hopefully my next scene with Alexander will be less grind out the needed words. Ferris is trying out gentleman burglar for a career option. I'm not sure about introducing Sophia here, but I'm going to run with it now.
Fave line: "This is a better plan than going to see their bodies?"
What I'm looking forward to: And now the characters get to meet each other. I'm estimating two more chapters before the first plot point and the start of part two.
What I'm not looking forward to: I have to get on Facebook to find a link to my nephew being cute on TV. *RETCH!* Dealing with mechanics. And my social calendar has already been declared for the rest of June's weekends vs. trip to the beach and Man of Steel eventually.

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