Sunday, August 25, 2013

Forget the Sun Metrics 34

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 1167
Chapter One total: 2111
Chapter Two total: 879
Chapter Three total: 1647
Chapter Four total: 773
Chapter Five total: 1317
Chapter Six total: 1719
Chapter Seven total: 1436
Chapter Eight total: 1178
Chapter Nine total: 969
Chapter Ten total: 1313
Chapter Eleven total: 1364
Total words for the first draft: 14,706
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Finished Chapter Eleven.

Back on August 12th, I decided on a new tactic, go back to writing longhand drafts. I'm probably just trading off staring at a computer screen for staring at blank loose-leaf paper, but I feel like I'm accomplishing more.

The sudden up-count of chapters but no big jump in word count: I never liked how I was breaking the chapters previously and then I read Mystery Writing is Murder: Chapter Length by Elizabeth S. Craig. Since chapter two, I've been adding a new character's POV scene until I reached the cap of three. If I follow Elizabeth Craig's advice and make each scene a chapter, that gives the book ninety-one chapters. That freaks me out too, but less than the gnawing worry that I'm short-changing description. One of my editing passes will be evening out the word counts of each chapter.
Fave line: "Man, why did you have to do that? Do you know how much paperwork we have to do now?"
What Else I Accomplished Today: Changes to make the metrics more positive! After taking a break from doing them so long, I realized coming back that the prior format focused on my finding problems and feeling guilty over having problems. I'm tired of giving myself guilt trips, so now the topics have changed.
What I'm looking forward to: Tweaked the beat sheet because I see two scenes that will work better as one continuous chapter. The ones from Alexander's POV may work better as one chapter too, but I'm not back-tracking yet. Two chapters to go before the first plot point.
What I'm not looking forward to: Monday.

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