Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Signs and Portents: Trinity Metrics 17

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 1035
Part One total: 8626
Part Two total: 6721
Part Three total: 2560
Author's Note total: 754
Total words for first draft: 18,661
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Finished Lois and Selina's bonding chat. So that means I get to start the men's bonding chat tomorrow and finally fix Jonathan Kent's "Maybe" scene.
Fave line: "Wow, what an asshole. Great, assholes are a universal truth we can't get away from. I'm glad Clark won."
What Else I Accomplished Today: Finished taxes last night, exercised. Saturday should be free for blood work and car AC repair.
What Else Has Happened: Paying job drama. Last year or maybe getting closer to two years, my section was merged with another but the job duties have never been split or shared. Higher-ups in the division are not pleased about this. My direct supervisor is retiring, taking the incentive to encourage people to go so we don't have to lay workers off. There is a distinct possibility that one of us will be taking over her job duties with no title nor pay increase. Sending out the assessments will be interesting this year.
What I'm looking forward to: Everyone to make their April plans so I can make mine.
What I'm not looking forward to: Scheduling the crap I have to deal with in April. For some strange reason, everyone else wants my weekends.

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