Saturday, April 14, 2012

Stellar Gift of Death Post 177

Stellar Gift of Death 2011 Revision

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 478
Chapter Nineteen total words: 2160
Total words for the new draft: 85,175
What I hate: My neighbors have put up a streetlight that shines right into my bedroom. And by shines I mean I can put my glasses into my nightstand drawer without using the lamp. I do not sleep well with light, to the point where I will never have a TV in my bedroom and have put colored tape on the lights on my AC unit in an attempt to change its color. I am not happy about this development.
The Good: Most of my chores are caught up, so I spent the day bouncing between Stellar and fanfic reward that I have stockpiled after finishing chores for the last couple of weeks.
The Bad: I threw in too many computer game sessions, but damnit, it’s my weekend!
Fave line: “I am a life guard and a jartbetahraas. You must stop the tkultaraas and tell my citkemraas that I served you well.”
What I'm looking forward to:Ohh, fight scenes!
What I'm not looking forward to: I still can’t cook kibbeah because I’m missing an essential ingredient that I thought I bought.

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