Monday, April 16, 2012

Stellar Gift of Death Post 178

Stellar Gift of Death 2011 Revision

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 469
Chapter Nineteen total words: 2160
Total words for the new draft: 85,644
What I hate: The evil light shining in my bedroom windows. And why the hell is ABC dragging out Castle’s last episodes? They should’ve ordered more if they wanted to end the season on May 7th.
The Good: I eked 30 minutes out in commercial breaks, but I didn’t get anything else done.
The Bad: Sunday was a wash, and I’m really not sure why. Monday was a wash and I know why, pesky tax deadline at the paying job and I answered emails during lunch. And then I had to work until 5pm. Why do I even think I can get anything done on Mondays?
Fave line: “It’s Ish’k Rainbow lady!”
What I'm looking forward to:Ohh, fight scenes!
What I'm not looking forward to: I still can’t cook kibbeah because I’m missing an essential ingredient that I thought I bought.

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