Friday, November 03, 2023

Strix: Forget the Sun NaNo 2023 Metrics 03

2820 / 50000 words. 6% done!

METRICS Previous Word Count: 53,375
New Words: 510
Total words for the first draft: 53,885
NaNo 2023 Cumulative Word Count: 2820
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: I finished up the confrontation between Robert and Sagara, then returned back to what has turned into the Strix and Alexander fight scene. The Fave Line for this set of words took a long time to come up with.
Fave line: You parasitic antediluvian! What Else I Accomplished Today: So I didn’t start off the day with a writing sprint, which I missed later on in the day when the words were fighting me. Then I started the errands to solve Harris County flagging me for toll road usage. First stop was the DMV, which did confirm that the license plate flagged had been the one on the Dodge Stratus and I canceled it when I traded it on October 31, 2018. But they couldn’t print anything off to prove that. And since I had no paperwork that I can find, they sent me to Supreme Toyota.

I was a wee bit before 9am and when the finance department arrived, who would have the paperwork I needed. “Go sit in the waiting area and I’ll come get you when one comes in.” I very promptly got distracted by the mobile game and didn’t surface for air until after 10am. The finance department could at least give me the trade-in sales page, but I don’t know if that will work. I at least have the Dodge’s VIN so I can possibly get it from the DMV if the toll people don’t like that one.

Then Walmart didn’t have all the litter I bought curbside and that was an ordeal. Then the car decided I didn’t need neutral when I was in the car wash and that almost wrecked the system. And then I lost my shit that I had held onto with all the other setbacks. I went to lunch and then picked up recipe ingredients at Rouses.

Made it home and tried to work on words and chores with limited success on both. I did manage to rotate the mattress and make the bed in clean sheets and now getting all the words into NaNo tracking so tomorrow is a new day. What I'm looking forward to: Rachael says we have to word vomit. Stop trying to make a full coherent draft, that will come later. Make the words now. Looking forward to trying that out tomorrow.
What I'm not looking forward to: All the bleeding chores that must get done tomorrow along with words. And the void babies distracting my writing time.

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