Sunday, November 26, 2023

Strix: Forget the Sun NaNo 2023 Metrics 26

26889 / 50000 words. 54% done!

METRICS Previous Word Count: 71,447
New Words: 299
Total words for the first draft: 71,746
NaNo 2023 Cumulative Word Count: 26,889
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: I missed yesterday with packing up to go home and then driving home. My brain just shut off by the time we got home. So today is not a make-up day (we aren’t doing those in Rachael’s group) but a resuming day. And then I couldn’t resume. I added some narrative in David’s scene that he saw the female Strix and got Peg home and put Jane to bed. And then I got distracted, so I’m in the middle of a scene for tomorrow?
Fave line: He didn’t want to spend his entire lunch period speculating who would put on Strix’s outfit and how she had known to knock the suspect out or if he had really seen her.
What Else I Accomplished Today: Unpacked my suitcase, cooked food, emptied the sink of dirty dishes, and loved on my void babies.
What I'm looking forward to: Having a bit more of a normal routine.
What I'm not looking forward to: Everything I still have stacked up to do.

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