Saturday, September 08, 2007

Thesis Contenders

So I finally found somebody else in the English department working on a Creative Writing thesis. (That I don't get to socialize with these people is my defense, and I'm sticking to it.) Thesis runs about 70 pages and you have to have enough stories to fill that. And the stories all have to fit a theme that you get to defend.


So any ideas on a common theme between any of these?
  • The Blue Man on the Porch
  • Covenant of the Restless
  • Gingerbread Girl
  • Phantom Hitchhiker
  • Strix short story
  • Underneath the Colored Lights
  • Zy's vacation story


Unknown said...

No, none.

And here's some advice. Do not, DO NOT include already written stories in your thesis. Maybe one, but no more.

The thesis needs to be fresh, original work, and to do that, you need to let go of old stories and write a selection of new stories, from go to whoa, in your chosen theme.

If you include those old, tired shorts, you will learn nothing. A thesis is a journey. Long, painful, full of pitfalls and stumbling blocks but ultimately, successful. To do that, you need to take a new road, not travel old pathways.

KLCtheBookWorm said...

Do not mistake this for doctoral thesis. Not the same thing at all. In fact, most of the faculty thinks it's a joke that we even have to do one and recommend getting out of the thesis-required concentration for the literature one that doesn't require it so you get done with the program.

Not my concern since I'm not getting a Ph.D.

Since my response outgrew the comment section see Thesis Contenders Continued.