Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Faulkner Paper Progress 4

I think I have had the breakthrough. Or else, my head hurts from banging it against the Faulkner writing block, and it has developed this as a delusion of a thesis paragraph.

Although Faulkner is usually considered just an author obsessed with race relations and the Civil War, his novels and interwoven short stories show the characters' sexual lives emphasizing their disillusionment, ambivalence, or acceptance of their personal pasts, which in turn reflect on how the South as a society makes peace with history.

That at least gives me a framework to relate all these characters with each other, even if I don't know how I'm going to pull the greater life lessons for society out of the works. :p Actually what popped out at me as I was trying to group couples in each book, Faulkner has a lot of triangles between characters. I don't know what I'm going to do with that inside the paper, but hopefully it didn't just make everything harder.

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