Friday, September 04, 2009

Goals for 2010

Too soon to start planning? It is never too early to plan! Hopefully, I can remember said plans. Hmm, can I put up a big huge link in the sidebar?

1000 words a day x 365 days = 365,000 words for the year.

I lost track of keeping track back in April during 2009. I'd like to not do that next year. Course I also have a fantasy of actually completing all my Big Rocks in a week and that hasn't happened yet.

Still I noticed I kept track of the daily word count best by project and during NaNo in 2008. Now I'm not proposing to do 50,000 words each month. And looking at the success other people are having with pushing a mini-marathon to get ahead in their novels, I'm considering treating every month as a mini-marathon. As the way to keep myself motivated to track the progress.

January = 31 x 1000 = 31,000
February = 28 x 1000 = 28,000
March = 31 x 1000 = 31,000
April = 30 x 1000 = 30,000
May = 31 x 1000 = 31,000
June = 30 x 1000 = 30,000
July = 31 x 1000 = 31,000
August = 31 x 1000 = 31,000
September = 30 x 1000 = 30,000
October 31 x 1000 = 31,000
November = 30 x 1000 = 30,000
December = 31 x 1000 = 31,000

Hey a couple of months spent on one project should add up to a nice-sized manuscript. I'm tired of my writing health being such a pendulum of extremes. I want to sit down for the 1000 words every day or an hour of meditation, whichever comes.

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