Monday, June 16, 2014

TDKR: Wayne Legacy Metrics 43

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 305
Chapter One total: 1625
Chapter Two total: 3274
Chapter Three total: 2141
Chapter Four total: 2649
Chapter Five total: 2165
Chapter Six total: 3055
Chapter Seven total: 3342
Chapter Eight total: 3653
Chapter Nine total: 2058
Chapter Ten: 2838
Chapter Eleven: 3008
Chapter Twelve: 2474
Chapter Thirteen: 2275
Chapter Fourteen: 2609
Chapter Fifteen: 1636
Chapter Sixteen: 3915
Chapter Seventeen: 2720
Chapter Eighteen: 305
Total words for first draft: 45,746
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Started Chapter Eighteen, but I still haven't finished Chapter Nineteen so my buffer is gone again.
Fave line: Earlier than she had planned to get up, but the grown-up sounded like he needed reinforcement.
What Else I Accomplished Today: Not much else. I didn't feel good on a Monday.
What I'm looking forward to: Laptop purchase that I don't know when I'll get to make now. :( The bills ate up the money I thought I would have for it. Maybe next month if I'm good with the money. A bonus to my paycheck this week! *Checks paystub* That's enough to buy my laptop—I'm ordering the laptop! I'm not going to talk about how the laptop purchase didn't happen AGAIN. I've paid shit off, I'm not supposed to be broke every paycheck any more. Weekend plans look good though.
What I'm not looking forward to: Once I get XMarks saved bookmarks correct I have to have a massive save page as party and completely change how I archive my research for everything now because I can't trust the paying job computer not to screw with it somehow. Still haven't had a chance to fix that yet because I'm terrified I'll lose everything if I touch any of it.

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