Friday, July 04, 2014

TDKR: Wayne Legacy Metrics 51

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 91
Chapter One total: 1625
Chapter Two total: 3274
Chapter Three total: 2141
Chapter Four total: 2649
Chapter Five total: 2165
Chapter Six total: 3055
Chapter Seven total: 3342
Chapter Eight total: 3653
Chapter Nine total: 2058
Chapter Ten: 2838
Chapter Eleven: 3008
Chapter Twelve: 2474
Chapter Thirteen: 2275
Chapter Fourteen: 2609
Chapter Fifteen: 1636
Chapter Sixteen: 3915
Chapter Seventeen: 2720
Chapter Eighteen: 3952
Chapter Nineteen: 4513
Chapter Twenty: 91
Total words for first draft: 53,997
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Happy Blow gunpowder up Day! I actually got a few words done earlier as I cycled through all the things I planned to do this weekend.
Fave line: He groped the sheets within reach without uncovering his eyes.
What Else I Accomplished Today: Sewing! I'm determined to finish my Victorian underwear this weekend. And catch up on my rough draft. And inventory the fabric stash. And clean house. I finally settled on 45/15s. Sew for 45 minutes, inventory fabric stash for 15. Write rough draft sitting down for 45 minutes, edit the One Rule which became type Chapter Twenty for 15 when I finished the first task.
What I'm looking forward to: Finished clothing!
What I'm not looking forward to: Once I get XMarks saved bookmarks correct I have to have a massive save page as party and completely change how I archive my research for everything now because I can't trust the paying job computer not to screw with it somehow. Still haven't had a chance to fix that yet because I'm terrified I'll lose everything if I touch any of it. Not to mention I decided to check on my available hard drive space, and wowsers, I have to clean that up.

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