Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Trying out December Quinn's idea

It's called metrics. And I think I may have given the wrong impression when I block quoted December Quinn's WIP. I'm not working on anything titled Unholy Ghosts. (Too bad, I love the title.)

So here's the metrics broke down into a format to fill-out.

WIP Title

New Words:
Total wordcount:

Here you make you're own topics according to the WIP. Caitlin Kittredge's Dark Territory has more examples. I think I like this part because you get to be cheeky with the work (that's probably giving you fits) and the genre.

So I'm going to build one for the fanfic in progress. (Yes, I know original work, blah, blah. It's stuck in worldbuilding right now and since school work feels like it's stressing me out, I run to fanfics to calm down. If you don't bitch too much, it might end up being R rated one.)

Biker Mice From Mars: Evil Jack: For Worse

New words: 550
Total words: 2800 (estimating a handwritten page has about 125 words on it. I haven't started typing it).
The Good: Angsty getting together story
The Bad: Jack comes back
Fave Vinnie line: "I never got a chance to flirt with Miss Mile-long legs and firm melons. She wrapped her arms around my neck and chest and my brain shut off."
Fave Modo line: "This is gonna be a long lecture on the motivations of grown-ups. I see it already."
Fave Throttle line: "You know how Vinnie is, Charley. If you called it training, he'd never do it. Give his ego a chance to win and he'll do it all day."
Fave Hannah line: "Let's do it with the bottle now, so Uncle Throttle doesn't get more dirty."
Fave Charley line: "Vinnie didn't get attacked by pod people on your way back to the scoreboard, did he?"
Fave Jack line: oops, he hasn't shown up yet.
Best I've done: Modo spelling things out to Vinnie
What I've yanked out: Scene on Mars between Stoker and Carbine. Charley and Vinnie's date disaster
What I'm looking forward to: Nookie in the scoreboard
What I'm not looking forward to: Voyeur scene from the POV of the sadistic loony bird

Now, I think the metric should be limited to the new words from now on.

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