Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 694
Chapter Thirteen total words: 4048
Chapter Fourteen total words: 419
Total words for the first draft: 54,278
What I hate about my writing: Reestablishing a routine. It took three days to get to the 500 words mark.
The Good: Slowly, oh so very slowly, I’m adding to the word count. But I am never starting a new chapter at work in Word 2007 again. When I get home I need to go ahead and format the blank files for the rest of the chapters to preserve the proper formatting. Who the hell was the genius who decided the default format FOR AN EVENTUAL PRINT DOCUMENT should be spaces between every paragraph LIKE THEY DO ON WEBSITES?!
The Bad: The finishing marathon spreadsheet is not optimistic that I will finish this novel anywhere close to June 19th.
Fave line: You’ve never met anyone you couldn’t resist goading, have you?”
What I'm looking forward to: The confrontation with Uffget.
What I'm not looking forward to: Leaving town with my manuscript. Writing around my family is always a challenge.
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