Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 342
New Words I Can Count: 267
Chapter Twenty-Two total words: 3311
Chapter Twenty-Three total words: 3240
Total words for the new draft: 101,659
What I hate: Not hitting save when I should.
The Good: After a weekend spent on language creation and a Monday and Tuesday too busy to write at the paying job, I got back in my grove on the holiday and finished off the journal entry for Chapter Twenty-Two and a big chunk of the journal entry for Chapter Twenty-Three.
The Bad: The power blinked and rebooted my computer since my battery backup died and I haven't had the funds to replace it yet. I didn't need Word for what I had left to do, so I didn't reopen the program. So I have discovered that 75 words that ended the journal entry for Chapter Twenty-Two are missing on the 5th when I reopened it to finish Chapter Twenty-Three. Hopefully I can find them in the home computer's auto-save tonight.
Fave line: "Nah, it's not what I want, but you won't give her what the little traitor deserves either. My crew could break her mind and spirit without hurting a cell on her body and you know it."
Details I'll probably need again when editing: Bruise and How do you get a blood clot in your eye to dissolve?,
What I'm looking forward to: Filling in the six journal entries I need, finding all the places where I skipped book quote sidebars, creating alien languages so I can name characters, the end of first draft.
What I'm not looking forward to: Finding all the places I skipped book quote sidebars. Why didn't I make notes of where I skipped? Taking the aliens species I have described and giving them believable biology, languages, and cultures.
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