Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Forget the Sun Metrics 41

DUF: Forget the Sun Metrics 41 Date: 01/06/2016

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 1059
Chapter One total: 2111
Chapter Two total: 879
Chapter Three total: 1647
Chapter Four total: 773
Chapter Five total: 1317
Chapter Six total: 1719
Chapter Seven total: 1436
Chapter Eight total: 1178
Chapter Nine total: 969
Chapter Ten total: 1313
Chapter Eleven total: 1382
Chapter Twelve total: 945
Chapter Thirteen total: 1417
Chapter Fourteen total: 861
Chapter Fifteen total: 1425
Chapter Sixteen total: 425
Total words for the first draft: 20,044
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: So back in 2013, I decided I needed to break each scene into separate chapters. Don't remember what exactly was the reason for that decision, but right now my chapters all feel too short. I'm looking at the word counts and they are closer than my perception had them, so I won't change this naming convention until I'm finished with the first draft.
Fave line: She liked that explanation a lot better than he had come to Haganville looking for her after promising not to.
What Else I Accomplished Today: So far I have made three days of using my checklists to make sure all my chores are done. And by day three since everything is really clean, it's taking me twenty minutes to finish all my daily tasks. I must continue to make this a habit.
What I'm looking forward to: My chiropractic appointment; I got knocked out of whack moving stuff from the back bedroom to the living room.
What I'm not looking forward to: Well, I'm currently in it but I haven't started on resolving it: my current demo project. I have no living room because everything from the back bedroom has been stacked in my living room. I think I have a plan for what changes I want to make but haven't bought supplies. Since I haven't bought the new stuff to go up, I haven't torn the old stuff down. I wish I could wave a wand and have it finished already.

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