Thursday, January 14, 2016

Forget the Sun Metrics 43

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 197
Chapter One total: 2111
Chapter Two total: 879
Chapter Three total: 1647
Chapter Four total: 773
Chapter Five total: 1317
Chapter Six total: 1719
Chapter Seven total: 1436
Chapter Eight total: 1178
Chapter Nine total: 969
Chapter Ten total: 1313
Chapter Eleven total: 1382
Chapter Twelve total: 945
Chapter Thirteen total: 1417
Chapter Fourteen total: 861
Chapter Fifteen total: 1425
Chapter Sixteen total: 1012
Chapter Seventeen total: 43
Total words for the first draft: 20,674
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Well, I FINALLY finished the outline of a trilogy that I have no intentions of writing until original fiction is done after six days on it. Happy, Muse? So now it's time to get back to my vampires and I finished the little bit left in Chapter Sixteen and started on Chapter Seventeen.
Fave line: "I'll bite a werewolf Sagara has just recruited and turn myself into God-only-knows-what."
What Else I Accomplished Today: I started the Primal 21-Day Challenge back on Monday and fitting the exercise into my schedule has been the hardest thing. So possibly there was another reason beside pure laziness for never doing it? And sleep: here I thought I was getting near 8 hours every night but I'm not even close. No wonder I've been crashing hard and sleeping forever on the weekends.
What I'm looking forward to: Going to Lafayette this three-day-weekend.
What I'm not looking forward to: Have to buy a new windshield and new headlights for my car before the end of January because the ones I have did not pass the car inspection. I decided I must tear out the old sheet rock in the back bedroom but I don't know when that will happen.

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