Friday, October 23, 2009

The Library

First up on the project list is getting Tin Man: Dragons and Ninjas ready to post in the BookWorm's Library. And because no project of mine is complete without generating thoughts of more projects, I'm here to try to figure out the next step.

Idea 1: "There are limits to what I can illustrate with photos. Let's learn Poser and build properly staged scene illustrations!"

We're going to chalk that one up to drunk with the freedom from Faulkner and never mention it again. I have been having fun illustrating this story with the cast list I have developed and screenshots from Tin Man, but all good things must come to an end.

Idea 2: "No button made for the Tin Man explanation section. Crap, the Tin Man explanation section doesn't exist either. I've been building the Zackverse Wiki. I should just make that readable, but no, it has spoilers. What about moving the explanation section to a Wiki environment?"

I must admit I like this idea. It would be more cutting and pasting what I want to share on my end, and readers could add to it. I'm not holding my breath that they will--no one has noticed the forum yet--but the capability would be there. So I went skipping along to see what it would take. ... And I'm still rubbing where I fell on my ass over the sheer multitude of choice available.

It's also not the first time I've asked the part of me that has these bright ideas why it doesn't like me.

I did manage to narrow down the choices:
  1. Not going to make the TiddlyWiki version of Zackverse Wiki readable; those are working notes.
  2. Drupal can make a wiki, but I have no idea what would happen if I added it to the Circulation Desk.
  3. MediaWiki that powers Wikipedia is free software, but I don't know how I would be limited with adding images. Plus dealing with wiki markup instead of the HTML I already know.
I'm still doing research at this stage.

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