Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 1319
Edited Chapter Twelve total words: 3474
Total words for the new draft: 53203
Total words for the last draft: 58,916
What I hate: Going through a whole revising draft and forget to do one major highlight.
The Good: I finished most of Chapter Twelve, but I realized there was another bit I wanted to add to the scene.
The Bad: Way back when I first conceived of this novel, I was impressed by West End Games use of character POV inserts in their GM manual for their Star Wars RPG. They even went so far as to include universe appropriate ads, like a recruitment poster of the Empire. So I had the idea of including sidebars of a book that Zy consults about the aliens she meets as a way of describing without slowing down the narrative and providing some in-universe color.
The problem with this? They fell by the wayside as I skipped over alien creation. And I just realized I could have been at least putting a sidebar-goes-here notice during this edit and I had completely forgotten about it. *headdesk*

Fave line: “Centri 10? That’s where the false information for Rejeld was implanted; another reason for us to go there for clues.”
What I'm looking forward to: My weekend plans.
What I'm not looking forward to: Fixing this mess I made.
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