Saturday, March 17, 2012

2012 Project Post 03


I don’t want to talk about how many nights I skipped over the editing time that I should have been putting in, which is why I didn’t finish the first read-through until St. Patrick’s Day. It’s finish, it’s done, now I have to take the information and decide what I’m going to do with it.

Project 2012: What to do with draft number two
At this stage, if you are following along, you will have completed the read through of your first draft and removed those scenes that don’t add to the narrative. You will have saved the surviving scenes into a new document. This is draft two, and this is where we start to do a lot of structural work. So open your spreadsheet, grab some notepaper and lets get to work.
Save the surviving scenes into a new document. What surviving scenes? Now that I’ve finished laughing hysterically, it’s not that bad. I did have scenes that made me go “wow that has a kick.” Three of them in fact. Out of 144. *Headdesk*

Going back through the spreadsheet to find those three just depressed the hell out of me. For my editing time tomorrow I will figure out what I’m turning this into, right now I need to leave this text for a while.

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