Monday, November 29, 2004

Zy's Novel Post 13

“Knew I forgot something in my hurry. Don’t want to eat now.”

Xeryl made an exasperated sound. He leaned her against the stone block and held onto her shoulders. “You have to eat something.”

Zy pondered that “I can drink, something with gluclose. Can we get some hospitality or do we have to go to my saucer?”

He let go of her but waited a moment before going out the door. She was okay, she could walk. Besides, she needed another set of clothes. Her head spun, but she grabbed the door jamb. No slipping nor stumbling. Xeryl and D’pa spoke in undertones; she ignored them. “Mylte?”

Mylte straightened off the wall. “Yes, Mistress Zy?”

“Please go to the saucer and get me a clean jumpsuit like this one.” She gestured down, and saw the blood smeared on her knees. He looked doubtfully at the two whisperers. “It’s okay, the last thing they want is something to happen to me. Not when IGA knows I’m here.”

D’pa heard that and glared at her. Zy leaned against the door and started pulling off the gloves.

Mylte snapped his teeth together once. “Yes, Mistress Zy.” And moved down the corridor.

Xeryl took her arm. “There is a suite we can use. It’s this way.”

Zy rubbed her scalp vigorously with the towel.

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