Friday, November 05, 2004

Zy's Novel Post Seven - Day 5

Day Five. 280 words. Today not done yet.

Zy glanced at Xeryl’s face. His lips twitched, so he found amusement in Mylte’s answer. But his violet eyes were still angry. “His status is still undecided,” she admitted.

“Transportation is this way. We can contact D’pa about this mess from the vehicle.” Xeryl gestured, and Zy let him lead to the vehicle.

They settled in the back of the hover car, Mylte sitting next to Zy. She stayed quiet while Xeryl contacted whoever he needed to and during that short conversation. It had to be said, no matter how much she didn’t want to say it. “I’m sorry. I let my feelings cloud my judgment and disregarded your advice.”

“Should I be flattered that I get under your skin so well?”

Zy crossed her arms and stared at the tinted window. “You know me so well, don’t you.”

“Facets of your personality are quite enigmatic, but your animosity for me is right on the surface.”

“Then let’s focus on business. When did Fudlack die?”

“Two standard days ago. Ecanians have an aversion to robots, so I talked them into leaving the crime scene intact for you.”

“Great, another dead body all by lonesome.”

“You’re not alone, you have me. Stop shooting me with your glares. If I don’t stay, you’re going to end up executed.”

“And you don’t want that on your conscious.”

“Actually, no I don’t.”

“They do realize I’m going to need at least the analyzer bot, right?”

Xeryl shook his head. “Sorry, you can’t use it.”

Zy tried to suppress the shudder, but didn’t succeed fully. “Can I at least have a breather?”

Xeryl looked sympathetic. “As long as it doesn’t do anything to Fudlack’s body.”

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