Monday, November 08, 2004

Zy's Novel Post Eight - Day 8

Day 8 of NaNoWriMo. 213 words.

Xeryl looked sympathetic. “As long as it doesn’t do anything to Fudlack’s body.” He glanced out the window. “We’re at the estate now.”

It was on the other side of Ursay from the saucer field. They entered through an imposing metal gate to a driveway outlined by poles each with a skull on top. “I see Fudlack and Dracula share the same decorator.” Zy turned from the window, clenching her stomach to stop its recoiling. The bruises didn’t appreciate that.

“Who is Dracula?”

“Someone from my home world.”

“You don’t talk much about your home world.” Xeryl straightened his suit jacket.

“Nothing left for me there. And neither do you.” The hover car stopped in front of the stone mansion. Zy took a deep breath as they went in the metal door. The foyer wasn’t as cavernous as Corbaine’s, but the ceiling was still lost in the darkness high above their heads. “Okay, I’m going to need some things to do a proper forensic examination of the body and the crime scene.” The ceiling carried her voice further than she intended.

Xeryl winced as heads turned to stare. “Have some respect for the dead.”

“I do respect the dead. That’s why I do this job.”

“What kind of tools do you require, Agent?” Zy hadn’t thought it possible to make her professional title sound so venomous.

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