Thursday, April 26, 2012

2012 Project Post 06

Back on Monday, I managed to finish my writing time and still have time left over to do something. It probably won't happen again for the next six months. So I started working on Forget the Sun's characters and the muse grabbed hold of that and wouldn't let go. Now that I'm finished with the major chunk of it, I hope I can go back to Stellar.

Even though I filled out the character section of the extremely through read-through beat sheet, I decided to use the character matrix from Todd A. Stone's Novelist's Boot Camp when creating the list for the new first draft. The matrix keeps six items straight: 1. name and role, 2. objectives (story and personal), 3. major personality points, 4. window character, 5. opposition, and 6. other opponents. I added a seventh category: the actor I cast as their visual representative. It's a technique I learned from fanfiction writing and helps with my descriptions.

Character arcs: Between the matrix and the beat sheet, all the characters I have listed have a journey mapped out for them. It may change once I start on the narrative, but right now it is in place.

Next step is to work on the setting, mapping out the city of Haganville and the major locations.

Also this turned up in my Google Reader: Pub Rants: Creating An Editorial Road Map, the very thing we're doing in the project. I thought it was funny.

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