Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Forget the Sun Metrics 01

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 464
Chapter One total: 464
Total words for the first draft: 464
What I hate about my writing: I thought I had written more in the rough draft. *Blinks* Wow, that scene has really stuck with me over the years if I thought I had already written it.
The Good: I got started on this novel!
The Bad: I've got a long way to go on this novel.
Fave line: "You're not confused; you're sulking."
What I'm looking forward to: Peg sees her mother for the first time.
What I'm not looking forward to: For the excitement to wear off.


Unknown said...

If the excitement wears off, add more.

So pleased to see you working on a new novel!

KLCtheBookWorm said...

Really, it was the only thing I could think of to put in that slot. It feels rather odd to not have something worrying me over the manuscript.