Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Forget the Sun Metrics 03

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 830
Chapter One total: 2111
Chapter Two total: 32
Total words for the first draft: 2143
What I hate about my writing: It used to travel better than this.
The Good: So I'm back today after a break. I should've been back yesterday, but I ended up designing the Ver Hagan coat of arms instead.
The Bad: So I didn't get to type this weekend since I took Mom away for some R&R at IP Casino Resort in Biloxi, Mississippi. We got a non-smoking hotel room, which I spread my papers out to work in longhand. The papers never left the room and I didn't throw my clothes worn in the casino on top of them. So how come those papers REEK of cigarette smoke?

The only thing I can figure is maybe it transferred while I actually wrote from what I was wearing at the time, since you had to walk through cigarette smoke to get the restaurants. So does anyone know how I can air out papers without destroying the ink? Febreeze is out.
Fave line: "Barbara and Charles live on through you. They live through you."
What I'm looking forward to: IF my finances go well and I don't run into major issues with car or house, I'm buying a laptop so I don't have to deal with second-hand smoke through my papers.
What I'm not looking forward to: Another weekend break. I want to see my friends (and they don't smoke so the papers will smell fine at least), but I don't know how much will get done on the rough draft.

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