Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Forget the Sun Metrics 02

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words:849
Chapter One total:1313
Total words for the first draft: 1313
What I hate about my writing: Oops, got a little one sided today. Planned on working on Atsejhkigom and forgot about it completely.
The Good: I squeezed a whole hour of writing at the paying job.
The Bad: Some time was lost to research.
Fave line: "I suspect there's more to Mom and Dad's deaths, and Robert agreed with me. I hope to God we're wrong and the police find the bastards who did this, but until we know, we must protect ourselves. Is that enough to gain your cooperation, Margaret Jane?"
What I'm looking forward to:Robert and Peg's reunion.
What I'm not looking forward to: Friday, it's crammed already. I have a meeting with the CCFairy and then have to hurry home to get me and Mom to Mississippi in time for the comedy show I want to see and she got the tickets for. And I haven't packed yet for the weekend.

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