Friday, January 21, 2005

The Hyrueliana Edits Post 10

Holias threw all his weight into holding his shield against the purple flames. The onslaught finally ended.

“Valiant until the bitter end?” Agmaraa laughed after the question. “Children, it doesn’t have to be this way.”

He refused to listen to the witch, ignoring the throbbing in his arm. Something crashed through the trees toward them. Holias barely had enough time to bring up his sword and block the chop coming from the leaping flame demon. He heard Zeldra screaming just over the dervishes taunts. “You’re mine, you will pay for stealing her!”

Another sword parried his opponent. The man in the yellow cloak stepped back. The Changeling shoved Holias and stood in front of him. “If you want the dragon that badly, you can have it!”

“She still choses them over you, Orden!” Agmaraa hurled another fireball.

Holias glanced at Zeldra. Run, he told her silently. She heard him somehow, and sped into the darkness. Zoe’s shield deflected the fireball.

“You never loved me!” Orden sprang into the air again.

Zoe’s sword stopped his, locking their faces into a staring contest. “How could you say that? My path has been your path since that first dragon.” Her voice broke. “You are my strength to give up everything that was expected of me.”

His orange eyes flickered and blinked.

“Touching as this is, I have a job to do.” Agmaraa vanished as they spun towards her.

Orden shook his head, “Zeldra!” and sprinted into the darkness.

Holias dropped his ruined shield. “She will kill her!” He could feel the Changeling behind him as he ran after his beloved.

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