Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Hyrueliana Edits Post 17

Lont left Cathina in the tunnel. He emerged in the main chamber of Death Mountain. Orden dropped to his knees surrounded by purple fire that Agmaraa shot down on him. He ran forward with a battle cry and threw his shield between the witch's death spells and Orden.

Agmaraa paused, "Another human? This is most intriguing. But I have no time for this foolishness. Moblins, attack!"

Lont drew his sword and remembered how Zoe had managed to shoot fire with hers. He could not leave Orden's side. "I hope this works." He extended the sword and willed its power forward. A moblin was caught in the light and vanished. Agmaraa screamed and Zoe and Holias burst through the moblin ranks.

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