Saturday, January 22, 2005

The Hyrueliana Edits Post 14

A teragrade had agreed to carry Zoe. The majestic white creature, five hands taller than a horse with large liquid-blue eyes, moved faster than a horse. The sun was breaking through on their left as they plunged through the forests.

The trees finally ended and the grassy plains began, rolling to the foothills of Death Mountain. Holias drew his teragrade aside hers. “Hyrueliana.”

“Please no titles, not now.”

He looked uncomfortable. “Whatever happens I want you to know. I am sorry for the way I treated you. I was jealous of your freedom. You could relish what you felt and I could not. I should not have tried to steal that from you.”

Zoe took a deep breath. “It’s already forgotten. Let’s concentrate on saving our loved ones.”

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