Friday, August 29, 2008

Best definition of fanfiction ever!

[info]allronix1 on August 2nd, 2008 06:40 am (UTC)
My first fandom? Oh, hell, it's an 80's cartoon. with all the cheese that comes with it. It just happens to be chevere instead of He-Man Velveeta or Thundercats brick cheddar...but you never forget it's cheese. The fan community can explore a lot of things the writers hinted at, but just couldn't do with the genre's limits.

Tin Man? It's a freaking Sci-Fi Channel Original. Those are best known for "shoot it in Vancouver, cast someone from a defunct SF series, and grabplotlines from another studio's recycle bin!" Even better, it's based on a series of books where the writer could not decide, in the course of the same book, whether or not people could die in his universe or not, and it's best known adaptation was so far off the mark as to miss the dartboard. (Good songs, and Ray Bolger rocked, though)

Henry Jenkins, in Textual Poachers, described fandom as an odd mix of fascination and frustration. We're fascinated by the characters, the universe, the potentials of the story...and usually frustrated past belief at the crappy execution of those potentials.

Edited at 2008-08-02 06:41 am (UTC)

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