Friday, September 06, 2013

Forget the Sun Metrics 35

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 804
Chapter One total: 2111
Chapter Two total: 879
Chapter Three total: 1647
Chapter Four total: 773
Chapter Five total: 1317
Chapter Six total: 1719
Chapter Seven total: 1436
Chapter Eight total: 1178
Chapter Nine total: 969
Chapter Ten total: 1313
Chapter Eleven total: 1382
Chapter Twelve total: 786
Total words for the first draft: 15,510
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Got into the first confrontation with the bad guys. Also reached the point where the characters I have been referring to as Unnamed Vampire Number actually need names.
Fave line: Dhghem survival did not matter to that ilk of drinkers. – I found a d-word that refers to humans! It's proto-Indo-European, which makes it even better for my theme. I might be told it's a stupid theme and have to edit it out later, but right now is green!
What Else I Accomplished Today: I forgot about starting a load of laundry when I got home today, so I'll have to start a load before I go to the dentist tomorrow. And my kitchen light has developed a new quirk. Usually it won't turn on or makes weird I-might-explode cackles when I'm pulling the string that controls it. Tonight it didn't want to shut off, no matter how many times I pulled the string.
What I'm looking forward to: Finish typing this chapter and actually getting a whole lot of writing done this weekend.
What I'm not looking forward to: Dentist. No phobias, just annoyed it's a time sink in my day. And none of the current projects are very portable.

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