Monday, September 16, 2013

TDKR: One Rule Metrics 8

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 1403
Prologue total: 708
Chapter One total: 2303
Chapter Two total: 3364
Chapter Three total: 3698
Chapter Four total: 2619
Chapter Five total: 2725
Chapter Six total: 3613
Chapter Seven total: 2208
Chapter Eight total: 5048
Chapter Nine total: 1403
Total words for first draft: 27,681
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Bane broke the Bat. (Though actually it's only a spinal dislocation and comic book writers should bother with a spot of research when they have bright ideas like Knightfall. Now that is over, I can focus on aftermath stuff.
Fave line: "There's nothing up here but Daggett's thief!"
What Else I Accomplished Today: Well, I didn't get any writing done this weekend, because I was too busy trying to figure out what went wrong with my finances. TL;DR explanation: I'm not ready to go on autopilot with them, unless the autopilot is AI like Jervis from Iron Man.
What I'm looking forward to: I think I better stop looking forward to comments. They've dried up.
What I'm not looking forward to: Scheduling my weekends for the next two months when nobody else sees why I MUST schedule that far in advance. It's so I have some bloody time to myself without you non-planning twits feeling left out or unloved or unappreciated. GRRRR!

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