Friday, November 14, 2014

TDKR: Wayne Legacy Metrics 102

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 1034
Chapter One – Ten total: 26,804
Chapter Eleven – Twenty total: 30,397
Chapter Twenty-One - Thirty total: 38,399
Chapter Thirty-One total: 4510
Chapter Thirty-Two total: 1426
Total words for first draft: 101,536
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Got another scene typed up and found out that the paying job Word's embedded dictionary doesn't recognize "Peridot." Okay home Word doesn't recognize it either. :p
Fave line: "Booby trap the suit cabinet with knockout gas. You keep yours in a different cabinet, right?"
What Else I Accomplished Today: Finally found all the material I need for a Victorian flowerpot hat. Now if I have enough time to sew everything I have left to sew.
What I'm looking forward to: Fun times with my nephew this weekend.
What I'm not looking forward to: Another freezing night.

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