Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Forget the Sun Metrics 08

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 358
Chapter One total: 2111
Chapter Two total: 1528
Total words for the first draft: 3639
What I hate about my writing: Need more free time!
The Good: Amazing what just thirty minutes can accomplish.
The Bad: I lost time available because I found a new source of photos for the location I'm describing. It's cheaper than going to Ohio.
Fave line: But the datebook in the upper corner laid open to Peg's birthdate.
What I'm looking forward to: IF my finances go well and I don't run into major issues with car or house, I'm buying a laptop so I don't have to deal with second-hand smoke through my papers.
What I'm not looking forward to: Taking Mom to Biloxi again, because I got so much writing done the last time we went. :p

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