Nonestica Solar System DetailsDon't worry if it doesn't make any sense, or very little sense. I'll post a graphic as soon as I clean up my sketches in a graphics program.
Created: 03/11/2011
Star 1: Primary
Star Mass (sols): 1.1
Star Luminosity (sols): 1.2
Average Radius (sols): 1.1
Star 2: Secondary
Star Mass (sols): 0.8
Star Luminosity (sols): 0.8
Average Radius (sols): 0.8
Primary star and Secondary star are 2 AUs apart with two separate orbits around a common braycenter. Orbital period is 49932.45 seconds.
Stellar Habitable Zone:
Inner Limit: 173484406 km or 1.15965512 AUs
Ideal Distance: 211566348 km or 1.41421356 AUs
Outer Limit: 253879618 km or 1.69705627 AUs
Planet 1: Nonestica
Orbit Data:
Periapsis Distance: 211534400 km or 1.414 AUs
Apoapsis Distance: 211534400 km or 1.414 AUs
Orbital Period: 445.54 days
Orbit Eccentrecity: 0
Insolation (W/m^2): 1400.42292
Planet Information:
Planet Mass (Earths): 1.054038
Diameter (km): 13547.17
Surface Gravity (ms^-2): 9.15979437
Planet Density (kgm^-3): 4838.63118
Surface Area (km^2): 576563351
Rotation Period (seconds): 86164.2 = 23.9345 Hours
Albedo: 0.3237
Axial Tilt (degrees): 23
Length of seasons: 111.25 days
Moon 1:
Orbit Radius (km): 384403
Orbital Period (seconds): 2309928.69 = 26.735 days
Diameter (km): 2882
Rotation Period (seconds):
Moon 2:
Orbit Radius (km): 412913
Orbital Period (seconds): 2571616.80 = 29.764 days
Diameter (km): 6502.65
Rotation Period (seconds):
Moon 3:
Orbit Radius (km): 550557
Orbital Period (seconds): 3934656 = 45.54 days
Diameter (km): 3476.28
Rotation Period (seconds):
The largest moon's orbit around the planet is the basis of a cycle, which equals 30 days. The annual however is 445 days long, which divides into 14 cycles of 30 days and 1 cycle of 25 days.
Besides learning that my algebra skills have deteriorated (hence the happy dance when I found the calculator because I could stop trying to figure out how to solve the equations in Excel), I learned that I am NEVER building an inhabited binary star solar system in any of my original fiction. I don't care how cool Tatoonine and Tin Man looked. The above was a PAIN IN THE ASS to figure out and I'm still not sure if the math is all correct and it balances or if the planet will be eventually pulled into the suns and burnt to a crisp. (Just add a gas giant with your imagination so that doesn't happen, okay?)
Nice solitary stars with multiple planets from now on. Unless AstroSynthesis v3 makes it insanely easy. :p
What took longer was making sure my new 15 cycle long annual didn't mess up the timeline I had already built. There were a few minor adjustments to make (and near as I can figure out the equinoxes and solstices shift by cycles every annual so i gave up on plotting them), but overall, my rough guesstimates held true. Even included the unplanned sequels that were written out of order.
What about ages? I really don't see the need in keeping Earth and the O.Z. in some calendar lock step. DG spent fifteen years on Earth and returns to the O.Z. fifteen annuals after she left it. Slippers who were born under a twelve-month calender can still celebrate birthdays on a fifteen-cycle one, even though thinking about the extra months will probably generate headaches. It has been 118 years on Earth since Dorothy Gale disappeared and it has been 118 annuals since she appeared in the O.Z.
Does there need to be a month to cycle correlation between the two solar systems? Not for my writing needs.
Okay, moving on from the math, this is what else I have. I worked out the noble class hierarchy of the O.Z., even though a good many positions are open because the Sorceress wiped out the nearest claimants to the throne.
SERIES TITLE: Nonestica Tales
TITLE: Prince of the Outer Zone
GENRE: fanfiction, action-adventure
COMPREHENSIVE CONCEPT: DG and Wyatt Cain must save their son from the Scourge of the Royal House even if it plunges the O.Z. into another war.
A bad guy:

The Scourge of the Royal House, played by Susan Sarandon and in the costume. It's too fabulous not to use. :D
A new kid:

Meet the youngest Cain so far, the title character. :D Played by my nephew.
A new annoyance:

Lord Gruffudd Porfirio, Duke of Glikkus played by Hugo Weavering.
Along with the same familiar faces.
I still say "Kill da wabbit!"
It will be said. Quite a few times, I think. :D
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