Progress Bar from Writertopia
Lost Words: 1
Total words for the first draft: 4987
What I hate about my writing: DEADLINE PANIC!
The Good: Started replacing my descriptive place holders with the alien words I have invented. What I’m trying to watch out for is substituting too much and losing the context. Back on Sunday, I played around with a simulation program exoExplorer. It is based on the already discovered exoplanets, so I can’t recreate the alien world I’m dealing with exactly, but it was helpful in figuring out atmosphere conditions and what a gas giant looks like if its moon is inhabited.
The Bad: Mondays suck when it comes to trying to work. It took two hours and I never found time to work on the story. Today isn’t much better.
What I'm looking forward to: Plug the alien words into the text.
What I'm not looking forward to: Figuring out the planet before my time is up.
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