Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Triangulation Entry Post 20


Progress Bar from Writertopia

Lost Words: 53
Total words for the first draft: 4934
What I hate about my writing: DEADLINE PANIC!
The Good: If I keep this leaving home at 5:15am schedule, I have plenty of time to write at the paying job before I have to start the paying job. That’s an important factor to consider.

I finished substituting the alien words this morning. I still have a few issues with conjugating, especially where I was using gerunds. I haven’t covered that chapter yet in Holly Lisle’s Create a Language Clinic. Goal for today, I guess.
The Bad: Did I mention driving at 5:15am? Double checking that I used Atsejhkigom in dialogue and left the English meanings in the narration, except for terms that shouldn’t have a direct to English meaning. And I’m still working on describing the alien planet hurt by a super volcanic explosion two generations back.
What I'm looking forward to: Finishing all the Atsejhkigom substitution.
What I'm not looking forward to: Figuring out the planet before my time is up. There’s only a week left!

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