Saturday, September 28, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 28

Previous Word Count: 88,744
New Words: 330
Total words for the first draft: 89,074
2024 Metrics Words Total: 7815
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 13,470
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Decided to move part of the climax to another POV to better describe what is going on. So I finished one scene since that started a new one.
Fave line: His arm reaching down for her face was like slapping stone and it didn’t knock his hand off course.
What Else I Accomplished Today: Laundry mostly. I had planned on ripping new CDs but had technical difficulties.
What I'm looking forward to: Making enough words in the next two days to finish off this first draft.
What I'm not looking forward to: The disappointment when that doesn’t happen.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 27

Previous Word Count: 88,486
New Words: 258
Total words for the first draft: 88,744
2024 Metrics Words Total: 7685
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 13,140
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Moved the scene along. I didn’t get as far as I wanted to in the action but my day was pretty broken up.
Fave line: The crossbow stake sailed past him and he didn’t even have to dodge.
What Else I Accomplished Today: So one of my goals was to get more sleep. I went to bed around 8:30 p.m., woke up a couple of times, and then got out of bed with the alarm at 8 a.m. I thought for sure I could get 45 minutes of writing and a shower done before leaving for my dental appointment. And then I found out Dame Maggie Smith died and got derailed a bit. I got the shower done and a little writing and then off to the dentist. My teeth are fine. I came back home and made stabs at writing but not very hard.
What I'm looking forward to: Writing tomorrow but to use Brain.FM instead of my podcasts backlog.
What I'm not looking forward to: Chores, boo.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 26

Previous Word Count: 87,965
New Words: 521
Total words for the first draft: 88,486
2024 Metrics Words Total: 7484
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 12,882
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: I got two hours of writing in between paying job tasks and have gotten to the threat to Peg. I think I have the body movements planned out for the rest of the scene.
Fave line: “You don’t get to call me that, you fucked-up fream!”
What Else I Accomplished Today: I found a new YouTube channel that does Good Omens analysis.
What I'm looking forward to: Hooray for more sleep. I still need more, but last night was a nudge in the right direction. I have to make it to my dental appointment Friday (and that’s been a damn saga this year) but maybe Saturday I can do some lazy shit and stay in bed.
What I'm not looking forward to: The drive home, I think one of the railroad crossings warnings are malfunctioning.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 25

Previous Word Count: 87,348
New Words: 617
Total words for the first draft: 87,965
2024 Metrics Words Total: 7317
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 12,361
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Gave Sophia a part to play in the fight. Honestly not sure what to do with the ghosts a majority of the time. Hot damn, I may actually get Kevah killed today. Hot damn, I did! Also some stunned blinking over my word count today. That is a personal best this month for sure.
Fave line: There wasn’t much of a sound with the sudden light so his screams reverberated into the house until they faded with the light.
What Else I Accomplished Today: Today ended up a quiet day at work and I was able to put it into writing. Also using the Brain.FM to stop twisting my neck into tightness has worked on that front and to help me generate words.
What I'm looking forward to: Sleep. I keeping reading until it is 10 p.m. and that’s too late for me to get enough sleep.
What I'm not looking forward to: The long drive home.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 24

Previous Word Count: 87,005
New Words: 343
Total words for the first draft: 87,348
2024 Metrics Words Total: 7128
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 11,744
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Down to two bad vampires left. And the fight scene continues.
Fave line: “Sing a new tune, Kevah. That note has been flat for fifty-five years.”
What Else I Accomplished Today: I need to run some errands as I head home. I hate having errands after work.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting home and making myself go to bed on time tonight.
What I'm not looking forward to: Shopping.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 23

Previous Word Count: 86,702
New Words: 303
Total words for the first draft: 87,005
2024 Metrics Words Total: 6993
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 11,401
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Well, I ended up taking the weekend off on this story. Hopefully, it has recharged the batteries. Also I am switching off YouTube for Brain.FM while working on the laptop so I don’t twist my neck into tightness again. So I finished up one scene and started the next one in the big fight of the novel.
Fave line: “More is the pity. I hope you’re going to be more reasonable than that, young lady.”
What Else I Accomplished Today: Back to work. Today wasn’t too bad.
What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the fight scenes.
What I'm not looking forward to: Fighting with traffic in the parking lot. I hope I get here before and leave after the outside agency using our hearing room does.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Friday, September 20, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 20

METRICS Previous Word Count: 86,416
New Words: 286
Total words for the first draft: 86,702
2024 Metrics Words Total: 6868
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 11,098
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: A few words in 90 minutes. I got to Lafayette and brain no want to work on this novel any more.
Fave line: “I know how bad you lot are with introductions. Look up Emily Post for instructions in how to do it these days.”
What Else I Accomplished Today: House chores done in six hours and drove to Lafayette.
What I'm looking forward to: Finishing this stupid ass fight if I actually get some quiet time.
What I'm not looking forward to: Driving home.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 19

METRICS Previous Word Count: 86,077
New Words: 339
Total words for the first draft: 86,416
2024 Metrics Words Total: 6741
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 10,812
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Let me describe the house. Uh no, I had more photos than this. Oh, I found them; not in Scrivener.
Fave line: “Don’t get too far ahead; safety in numbers.”
What Else I Accomplished Today: I got Salem onto the cat wheel and in motion! Now I had to use my hand as the lure, which isn’t a great long term goal, but he didn’t want to chase after the laser point when I switched to that. But hey! At least one of the voids has used it and learned it’s not so scary. I’m ignoring the question if he will remember it.
What I'm looking forward to: Trip to Lafayette. I’m hoping the home chores won’t take all day Friday and delay my departure time. They shouldn’t.
What I'm not looking forward to: Why does the shopping list mean at least four different stores? This is why people start ordering stuff to be delivered.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 18

METRICS Previous Word Count: 85,795
New Words: 282
Total words for the first draft: 86,077
2024 Metrics Words Total: 6499
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 10,473
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Didn’t think I would make multiple writing sessions today but I did. Got the protagonists to the house at least.
Fave line: “Hope you didn’t leave the door like that,” Ferris said.
What Else I Accomplished Today: We had a meeting at work. It took time.
What I'm looking forward to: Massage appointment tomorrow. I did something to make my neck tight since coming back to work.
What I'm not looking forward to: I feel like I have a shit-ton of things to do at home before I can enjoy myself in Lafayette, but that is probably my brain weasel trying to say I don’t deserve to have fun and I don’t actually have that much to do at home.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 17

METRICS Previous Word Count: 85,461
New Words: 334
Total words for the first draft: 85,795
2024 Metrics Words Total: 6350
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 10,191
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Got the good guys past one problem. I think I should pick a different POV to write from in the edit because the POV I have now is not driving the action.
Fave line: “They can catch up!”
What Else I Accomplished Today: I managed to go shopping because out of breakfasts and forgot paper towels and a new bag of cat food.
What I'm looking forward to: Payday!
What I'm not looking forward to: Editing this mess.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 16

METRICS Previous Word Count: 85,310
New Words: 151
Total words for the first draft: 85,461
2024 Metrics Words Total: 6231
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 9857
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Started a new scene that should start the battle scenes rolling. Maybe my word count will go up with having to figure out how the fights go.
Fave line: “You keep your mask on, baby Strix,” Raven said. “Last thing we need is a kidnapping charge slowing us down.”
What Else I Accomplished Today: Back to work, back to normal life.
What I'm looking forward to: My massage appointment on Thursday.
What I'm not looking forward to: All the writing I have left to do on this novel.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 15

METRICS Previous Word Count: 84,995
New Words: 315
Total words for the first draft: 85,310
2024 Metrics Words Total: 6182
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 9706
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: I think I have finished the scene transitioning to the start of the climax fight scenes. Also discovered that I had forgotten that David and Peg had already met and had to turn around and fix that.
Fave line: “And that wasn’t a good reason to stay home.”
What Else I Accomplished Today: Finished laundry, got the furniture back in place in the office, had to fix my cart in the kitchen and took the water off of it, and vacuumed.
What I'm looking forward to: Going to Lafayette next weekend. We’re going to see Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice.
What I'm not looking forward to: The dishes I have in the sink. I will have to deal with them before bedtime.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 14

METRICS Previous Word Count: 84,210
New Words: 785
Total words for the first draft: 84,995
2024 Metrics Words Total: 6031
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 9391
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Typed up all the rough draft written while I didn’t have power. So after today my word count totals will go down because I just can’t make words speedily on this novel. Also I am so confused over who knows what when. The time line according to the POV characters will be instrumental to editing this mess into a coherent novel.
Fave line: This jumpsuit was the worst disguise in the history of disguises.
What Else I Accomplished Today: I picked up the chunkiest sticks in the yard so Uncle Scott won’t hit my house with them as he cuts the grass. Also worked on laundry and trying to find new homes for things in the four office stacks.
What I'm looking forward to: Having all the chores done early tomorrow so more writing time.
What I'm not looking forward to: Everything I have left to do to finish the chores today.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 13

METRICS Previous Word Count: 83,910
New Words: 300
Total words for the first draft: 84,210
2024 Metrics Words Total: 5847
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 8606
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: The power turned on at 2 a.m. today, so I can type the three pages of rough draft I wrote yesterday. Now, I got started after running errands at work so my time to work was less. I got one page of those three typed today.
Fave line: “Had a busy night last night?” the brunette woman asked sarcastically.
What Else I Accomplished Today: The power turned on at 2 a.m. today (so nice I say it twice). Sleep still wasn’t great and I left the house later than I wanted. I ate lunch out instead of breakfast. But I returned pants to Sam’s Club and picked up my new glasses and trial contacts. Cleaned out the fridge, and forgot about the money stuff I had to do for ordering my contacts.
What I'm looking forward to: Catching up on my sleep and chores and still managing to write words.
What I'm not looking forward to: Grocery shopping.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 11

METRICS Previous Word Count: 83,652
New Words: 258
Total words for the first draft: 83,910
2024 Metrics Words Total: 5577
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 8306
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Power didn’t go off until 6:30 p.m. for me so I got more typing time in than I thought I would. I finished the last scene I was working on and started the next one in these characters’ timeline.
Fave line: Nobody ran though. She clearly needed to work on a terrifying presence.
What Else I Accomplished Today: Hunkered down until Hurricane Francine passed through. The worse was done by midnight.
What I'm looking forward to: The return of electricity.
What I'm not looking forward to: The aftermath of Francine that can’t be seen until sunrise.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 10

Previous Word Count: 83,504
New Words: 148
Total words for the first draft: 83,652
2024 Metrics Words Total: 5461
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 8048
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Not as many words as I was hoping for because everything else that was happening.
Fave line: Raven shrugged. “Traumatized.”
What Else I Accomplished Today: All state offices got closed tomorrow when we are expecting Francine to come ashore. Our office let everybody go home at 2:30 and work from home from the rest of the day. I couldn’t log into the work laptop.
What I'm looking forward to: Fingers crossed that I’m not hit too horribly bad.
What I'm not looking forward to: So Tropical Storm Francine is supposed to be a hurricane by the time it smacks us.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 09

METRICS Previous Word Count: 83,185
New Words: 319
Total words for the first draft: 83,504
2024 Metrics Words Total: 5397
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 7900
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Still working on the same scene, but I did get the fight finished. And this was probably the best day I had writing at the paying job since this month started.
Fave line: “You are not in charge,” Raven told him flatly. “And was Ywla drunk? ‘Cause you’re sounding like you have had a few.”
What Else I Accomplished Today: I made it to work without getting any chores done before leaving and traffic was not nice to me. At least no wrecking my current car. But I have to wash some dishes and whatever else is down to do on Mondays.
What I'm looking forward to: Going to bed at bed time.
What I'm not looking forward to: Tropical Storm Francine and how much it will disrupt the week.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 08

METRICS Previous Word Count: 82,789
New Words: 396
Total words for the first draft: 83,185
2024 Metrics Words Total: 5191
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 7581
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Got the majority of the fight scene done. Now it is time to wrap it up.
Fave line: “You had to have seen that coming, you fucking Viking. You saw me made into this!”
What Else I Accomplished Today: Today I have had decent focus. I have changed the bed, finished laundry, filled my pill box, ordered my refills, filled water bottles, emailed another finished story to my beta, and posted all the finished metrics posts to DUF and my Tumblr.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting Peg to interact with this set of characters.
What I'm not looking forward to: We’ve got a potential tropical storm/hurricane building in the Gulf! Oh fuck no, not looking forward to that.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 07

METRICS Previous Word Count: 82,606 New Words: 183 Total words for the first draft: 82,789 2024 Metrics Words Total: 5043 2024 Cumulative Word Count: 7185 What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: I’m flailing through a fight scene that I don’t see clearly yet. Fave line: “Gonna force me to carry another ghost of a murdered soul?” at Else I Accomplished Today: Tire got patched but I have had the hardest time getting started on anything else today. What I'm looking forward to: Being done with all of this! What I'm not looking forward to: The work to be done with all of this.

Friday, September 06, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 06

METRICS Previous Word Count: 82,519 New Words: 87 Total words for the first draft: 82,606 2024 Metrics Words Total: 4920 2024 Cumulative Word Count: 7002 What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Barely got anything done before leaving for my eye appointment, and then was totally distracted once I returned home after it. Fave line: “You look like Ferris’ last playmate. Systir?” What Else I Accomplished Today: I bought new computer glasses that should block blue light and new contacts. What I'm looking forward to: Getting more done tomorrow. What I'm not looking forward to: Having to find out what is wrong with one of my tires.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 05

METRICS Previous Word Count: 82,374 New Words: 145 Total words for the first draft: 82,519 2024 Metrics Words Total: 4872 2024 Cumulative Word Count: 6915 What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Not much. The AC at work was broken and set on freezing my office and that made it hard to concentrate. Fave line: “You brought playmates this time, bródir.” What Else I Accomplished Today: Not much because of the cold and outside was 100% rain, so I didn’t get any home chores done either. What I'm looking forward to: Getting my eye appointment done tomorrow. What I'm not looking forward to: Driving in the rain. Least favorite activity.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 04

METRICS Previous Word Count: 82,124 New Words: 250 Total words for the first draft: 82,374 2024 Metrics Words Total: 4762 2024 Cumulative Word Count: 6770 What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Today was a rough writing day. I put too much on my list and couldn’t focus. And then my laptop had a freeze up and I had to reboot. Didn’t lose anything but time working on things. Fave line: Raven sneered at it silently. It looked stupid in this space designed for normal human furniture; they couldn’t sit on the platform without poking their heads against the tile ceiling, if not through it. What Else I Accomplished Today: Meh, I got paying job stuff done. What I'm looking forward to: Buying some chocolate. What I'm not looking forward to: Changing the litter boxes but it must be done.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 03

METRICS Previous Word Count: 81,820 New Words: 304 Total words for the first draft: 82,124 2024 Metrics Words Total: 4660 2024 Cumulative Word Count: 6520 What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Slowly setting the scene for a fight scene. Fave line: “Try looking in a window first, boys. Then we’ll try a door.” What Else I Accomplished Today: I kept the list short, so I didn’t get overwhelmed with so much to do. What I'm looking forward to: My massage appointment later today. What I'm not looking forward to: Commuting home.

Monday, September 02, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 02

METRICS Previous Word Count: 81,624 New Words: 196 Total words for the first draft: 81,820 2024 Metrics Words Total: 4605 2024 Cumulative Word Count: 6216 What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Finished one scene and started a new one. Fave line: “So are they in or did they leave a light on for when they get home?” What Else I Accomplished Today: This ended up being chore catch up day, starting with the kitchen. Which didn’t get finished completely, but visible progress. What I'm looking forward to: Having some free time where I can really concentrate on this and not having so many chores to split my attention. What I'm not looking forward to: Commuting to work tomorrow.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

WIP Progress Report

Half the year is done and I have been busy.

  • January 2024 & June 2024: Trigun: Three of a Kind -- I have finished my edits and it is with my beta reader.
  • February 2024: Cookbook -- this project is mostly me consolidating collecting recipes into a Scrivener cookbook project. It only gets worked on when I have nothing else to do. February had vacation to Universal Studios and uploads to Ao3, but I got caught up in writing what I call ad posts for DUF and Tumblr and forgot that there are still six old stories and thirteen fanmixes to upload. Oops.
  • March 2024: Biker Mice From Mars: Wars Are Won: Sacrifice of Happiness -- finished the first draft.
  • March 2024: Biker Mice From Mars: Evil Jack: Till Death Do We Part -- finished the first draft.
  • April 2024: Strix: Forget the Sun -- still writing the first draft.
  • May 2024: Star Wars: Rescue the Farmboy: Mission on Mimban -- finished my edits and it is with my beta reader.
  • July 2024: BookWorm's Library update -- this one has turned into some behind the scenes changes to make things easier for me in the future when I really didn't have stories ready to be published. But I did find the FanFiction Garret files, so I can add that section with the next update.
  • August 2024: Finished my edits on Evil Jack: Till Death Do You Part and it's with my beta reader now. Tweaked the future stories order in the Wars Are Won By Those Who Dare series. But my edits on Wars Are Won: Sacrifice of Happiness ended up having to taking a new course in the second draft. I forgot about complications in the story itself because I was so busy setting up future payoffs.
This is my third year focusing (as best I can) on one project a month before jumping to a new one, and I am starting to see results in so many projects. Getting the Library's website updated with new material is a huge one, along with getting back to old fandoms. Plans for the rest of the year:
  • September 2024: back to writing Strix: Forget the Sun
  • October 2024: finish the edits on Rescue the Farmboy: Mission on Mimban and start posting it.
  • November 2024: finish the edits on Trigun: Three of a Kind and start posting it.
  • December 2024: back to updating the BookWorm's Library and I should have stories ready to go on it by then.

I hope the next five months are productive for you too.

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 01

METRICS New Words: 81,358 New Words: 266 Total words for the first draft: 81,624 2024 Metrics Words Total: 4533 2024 Cumulative Word Count: 6020 What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Broke back into the scene I left in April and remembering what I was going to do next. I have no idea how the ghosts work, so I’m leaning into that. Fave line: Her face pinched pensively. “What if I leave completely if you die?” What Else I Accomplished Today: I finished the cat wheel and laundry, not the rest of the list. What I'm looking forward to: Not going to work tomorrow. What I'm not looking forward to: The rest of the chores that I haven’t gotten done this weekend.

Six Sentence Sunday: Signs and Portents: Meanwhile in Gotham City

Signs and Portents: Meanwhile in Gotham City

BookWorm's Library | Ao3

Jim Gordon, likely Commissioner of Gotham City Police Department until he died, closed the rooftop stairwell door. And he had thought getting back to his office at Police Headquarters would calm things. He managed not to chuckle bitterly. The city could be in worse shape. Power was stable, rebuilding projects moved forward, city government was in charge, all the feds had withdrawn except for the disaster liaison, and about half the escapees from Blackgate had been rearrested.

Learning the two Blackgate Boys brought in tonight had been trussed up and were waiting for the police sent Gordon to the roof. He approached the flood light.

Summary: Blake thought being a detective was the hardest thing he's ever done, until he became Gotham's protector. But he's not the only one who wants the job.

The fifth story in the Signs and Portents series checks back on how Gotham City is fairing since the Occupation ended. It started off as a dabble in my head: Gordon turns on the repaired Batsignal and meets Nightwing. Then I gave a little thought on who Gordon would need to consult a cape about. Scarecrow was still at large at the end of the Dark Knight Rises, and no one noticed the hint I gave over who Jen went to work for, so both of those members of the Rouges Gallery made good subjects of conversation. And then I thought "what if Barbara Gordon the daughter burst in on their meeting?" I hope you enjoy this take on the Nolanverse.