Sunday, September 01, 2024

WIP Progress Report

Half the year is done and I have been busy.

  • January 2024 & June 2024: Trigun: Three of a Kind -- I have finished my edits and it is with my beta reader.
  • February 2024: Cookbook -- this project is mostly me consolidating collecting recipes into a Scrivener cookbook project. It only gets worked on when I have nothing else to do. February had vacation to Universal Studios and uploads to Ao3, but I got caught up in writing what I call ad posts for DUF and Tumblr and forgot that there are still six old stories and thirteen fanmixes to upload. Oops.
  • March 2024: Biker Mice From Mars: Wars Are Won: Sacrifice of Happiness -- finished the first draft.
  • March 2024: Biker Mice From Mars: Evil Jack: Till Death Do We Part -- finished the first draft.
  • April 2024: Strix: Forget the Sun -- still writing the first draft.
  • May 2024: Star Wars: Rescue the Farmboy: Mission on Mimban -- finished my edits and it is with my beta reader.
  • July 2024: BookWorm's Library update -- this one has turned into some behind the scenes changes to make things easier for me in the future when I really didn't have stories ready to be published. But I did find the FanFiction Garret files, so I can add that section with the next update.
  • August 2024: Finished my edits on Evil Jack: Till Death Do You Part and it's with my beta reader now. Tweaked the future stories order in the Wars Are Won By Those Who Dare series. But my edits on Wars Are Won: Sacrifice of Happiness ended up having to taking a new course in the second draft. I forgot about complications in the story itself because I was so busy setting up future payoffs.
This is my third year focusing (as best I can) on one project a month before jumping to a new one, and I am starting to see results in so many projects. Getting the Library's website updated with new material is a huge one, along with getting back to old fandoms. Plans for the rest of the year:
  • September 2024: back to writing Strix: Forget the Sun
  • October 2024: finish the edits on Rescue the Farmboy: Mission on Mimban and start posting it.
  • November 2024: finish the edits on Trigun: Three of a Kind and start posting it.
  • December 2024: back to updating the BookWorm's Library and I should have stories ready to go on it by then.

I hope the next five months are productive for you too.

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