Monday, September 09, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 09

METRICS Previous Word Count: 83,185
New Words: 319
Total words for the first draft: 83,504
2024 Metrics Words Total: 5397
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 7900
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Still working on the same scene, but I did get the fight finished. And this was probably the best day I had writing at the paying job since this month started.
Fave line: “You are not in charge,” Raven told him flatly. “And was Ywla drunk? ‘Cause you’re sounding like you have had a few.”
What Else I Accomplished Today: I made it to work without getting any chores done before leaving and traffic was not nice to me. At least no wrecking my current car. But I have to wash some dishes and whatever else is down to do on Mondays.
What I'm looking forward to: Going to bed at bed time.
What I'm not looking forward to: Tropical Storm Francine and how much it will disrupt the week.

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