Saturday, September 14, 2024

Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 14

METRICS Previous Word Count: 84,210
New Words: 785
Total words for the first draft: 84,995
2024 Metrics Words Total: 6031
2024 Cumulative Word Count: 9391
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Typed up all the rough draft written while I didn’t have power. So after today my word count totals will go down because I just can’t make words speedily on this novel. Also I am so confused over who knows what when. The time line according to the POV characters will be instrumental to editing this mess into a coherent novel.
Fave line: This jumpsuit was the worst disguise in the history of disguises.
What Else I Accomplished Today: I picked up the chunkiest sticks in the yard so Uncle Scott won’t hit my house with them as he cuts the grass. Also worked on laundry and trying to find new homes for things in the four office stacks.
What I'm looking forward to: Having all the chores done early tomorrow so more writing time.
What I'm not looking forward to: Everything I have left to do to finish the chores today.

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